Climate change affects us all and IT plays a major role in the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. This raises major challenges. How do we use the power grid optimally? Where do we store energy and how do we connect networks? The IT Boutiques within the Conflux network contribute to a better climate with ingenious solutions. Our consultants do this at Alliander, Windnet and Eneco, among others.
Logistic chains are of vital importance for a well functioning society. Small improvements can have a major positive impact on an entire supply chain. More ships in a port, more efficiently filled trucks or optimised routes for delivery vans result in less emission, more volume and lower costs. Our IT Boutiques address these challenges for customers such as Port of Rotterdam, ProRail and KLM.
The healthcare sector is under pressure due to an ageing population, staff shortages and rising costs. Smart IT solutions help keep care accessible, efficient and of high quality. From better data exchange between healthcare providers to digital tools for patients and AI-driven diagnostic models. We help develop solutions that optimise care processes and reduce workloads for Haleon and Erasmus MC, among others.